搜索 Grego

  • Following Coca-Cola's hugely successful 'Polar Bowl' campaign in 2012, Animal Logic was approached by Scott Free and CAA Marketing to animate a 6-minute short to headline Coca-Cola's 2013 global campaign. Directed by John Stevenson (of Kung Fu Panda fame) and co-directed by Animal Logic's David Scott, the subtly brande…
  • "The Mamba" is a top international terrorist. A deadly fighter, sniper, bomber, and master of deception. Hossein Sarivi is a good husband and works at a biscuit factory. Their mutual resemblance is uncanny, but have never met, until now.
  • Brothers Colin and Ewan McGregor follow up their documentary The Battle of Britain with a film exploring Bomber Command, a rarely-told story from the Second World War.The film focuses primarily on the men who fought and died in the skies above occupied Europe, with numerous examples of individual heroism and extraordin…
  • 电影动作
  • The story of a boy who sets out to find a Sword of Peace which will stop all war. On returning with the sword the King declares war on the world, whereupon the boy seizes the sword and asks the people whether it will be war or peace. They reply war, so the boy throws the sword back in the ravine where he found it.
  • 卢卢是只狼,汤姆是只兔子。它们从小便是形影不离的好伙伴。现在进入青春期的它们无忧无虑的生活在兔群的领地。一直以为自己是孤儿的卢卢突然得知自己流浪的母亲还活着,两个好伙伴决定去狼群的领地寻找她。他们到达时正赶上一年一度的肉食节——世界大型食肉动物的狂欢盛宴。在这片将食草动物作为主菜的领地,卢卢和汤姆的友谊能否经受住如此考…
  • Two thousand years ago one of history's most notorious individuals was born. Professor Mary Beard embarks on an investigative journey to explore the life and times of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus - better known to us as Caligula. Caligula has now become known as Rome's most capricious tyrant, and the stories…