- 电影剧情:恐怖猎夫是生存战争恐怖创世神,恐怖猎夫化为小丑在游乐场中以杀人获得快乐,恐怖猎夫变态心理仍然继续……电影又名:《魔鬼小丑》《恐怖创世神III:血洗一切》合作电影:《死亡事》系列
- A meeting of two characters happened in a deep forest, on the bank of a small pond, while it was raining heavily. This meeting is a node of the whole story. Once a gypsy predicted death to the main character. He believes her, for all her predictions have come true. The fear of death makes him look for solution and he d…
- A gang of crooks uses the legend of a ghost haunting an old dark mansion to help them kidnap a rich man.
- 人声鼎沸的赛狗场,激情四射的主持人正解说着场上的情况。人们为了胜利欢呼,为了失败而懊恼。就在赛场的一角,拿着胡萝卜的兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)从泥土中钻出来。他起初根本没搞清状况,但从大喇叭的解说中很快明白了自己来到了什么地方。在主持人的解说劝诱下,兔八哥也来了兴致,打算赛上一票,于是来到狗舍对那些选手们品…
- In June 1963, Mark Birley, son of society portrait painter Sir Oswald Birley, opened a nightclub in a dusty, disused basement underneath No. 44 Berkeley Square in Mayfair, London. He named it for after his wife, Annabel. It had been more than a decade since the Second World War and there was a sense of renewal and rebi…