搜索 Gromo

  • (JAP文)1986年4月26日,切尔诺贝利核电站的一个核反应堆发生爆炸,年轻的俄共官员瓦莱里在获悉内部消息后,决定赶紧带着自己的女友维拉逃离此地。当日正值星期六,阳光明媚,人们纷纷外出享受周末,瓦莱里很快发现,这里有一种无形的力量,在阻止着自己离开……  周六的普里皮亚季镇,街上熙熙攘攘,不少人逛街购物,孩子们在外玩耍,还有人…
  • Nopumoceno, the most successful businessman in the Cabo Verde archipelogo, is an ambitious, clever opportunist, known during his lifetime as "eternity single". However, he is then discovered by his illegitimate daughter to have gotten his fortune and his women in unorthodox and incredible ways ...
  • 一部大胆描写人与马之间七情六欲的奇作,1993年戛纳最佳技术贡献大奖得主。 法国1993年巴塔巴斯(Bartabas)执导的电影处女作,描写人与马之间的情感,甚至大胆暗示人马之间的七情六欲,1993年在戛纳电影节放映大受争议,最后该片亦获得戛纳电影节技术贡献大奖的殊荣!
  • At the end of the 22nd century Alisa Seleznyova, her father Professor Seleznyov and pilot Zeleny go on a space expedition to find rare animals for Moscow Zoo. On the way they seem to encounter a mysterious conspiracy led by Doctor Verhovtsev against legendary Two Captains Kim and Buran. The only clue is a talking bird …
  • Edouard is a pianist, married with Caroline. This evening, they are invited to Claude's. Claude is the snobbish uncle of Caroline, his son Alain (as snobbish as his father) is in love with Caroline. They spite Edouard a little because he's poor. At the party, Edouard must play the piano to make himself known by Claude'…
  • 沙什童年时补养父虐待,被学校的老师同学欺负,长大后他久久不能忘记过去的恶梦。他返回那个“黑色”的故乡去寻找忘记过去的方法,并且进行一一的报复,因为他拥有超凡的力量,杀人手法凶残,黑白两道都在搜捕他。此时,他遇到了卡特娅,一个不惧怕他神奇力量的女孩,两人在逃命时酝酿出一段人间少有的爱情故事……
  • 狼鬼鬼祟祟地把一头刚出生的小牛背回家,正准备吃时,听到小牛虚弱地发出一声“妈妈”,心生怜悯,决定等它长大些再吃。狐狸从窗外看到狼有一只鲜嫩的乳牛,羡慕地流下口水,狼答应它将来一起分食长大的小牛,不过要一起先将它养活,狐狸开心地答应了。 小牛一天天长大,其身形惹得野猪和黑 熊也垂咽欲滴,它们纷纷找狼要求分食,已将小牛当作自…
  • A peasant comes to St. Petersburg to find work. He unwittingly helps in the arrest of an old village friend who is now a labor leader. The unemployed peasant is also arrested and sent to fight in World War I. After three years, he returns ready for revolution.
  • 电影
    Young lovers, Max and lime dream to live life together, but there comes a war, and everything that seemed inviolable — their feelings and plans falling apart like a house of cards. Max together with his parents and other Jewish families th…