- 一种神奇宝石维护着世界的稳定和平,当一股神秘力量正蠢蠢欲动,危机四处蔓延。众羊狼与新伙伴再踏上守护世界的征途,争分夺秒与神秘势力的阴谋赛跑,并在一次次的冒险与闯关中共同成长,最终明白了守护的意义。
- Another American Soldier Has Died. Who cares? The suffering of soldiers and their families is largely invisible to most Americans. But not to these Americans. 'Patriot Guard Riders' is a documentary about a 200,000 strong motorcycle group who attend military funerals to honor the fallen, and to protect grieving familie…
- Crime writer Sean Flynn returns home to Riverport, North Carolina from New York after a long absence when authorities reopen the old murder case that ended his father's political career. To uncover the truth about a suspicious death and further his own literary ambitions, Sean must confront the shared demons that have …