- Car mechanic Anton Grubske manages to flee from captivity by using his wits. With the same cunning, he succeeds in escaping from a widow who is not only beautiful but also conniving. Anton returns to his village, takes over his master's workshop and marries Liesel, his master's daughter. Anton converts old junk cars in…
- "To live in Vienna, you either have to be cynical or stupid," says the director's alter ego at the end of the semi-documentary feature Slow Summer. A summary as temperamental as the film which deals with personal states of mind, the filmmaker's very own existential entanglements one of which is crucially the …
- 上巴伐利亚州的两个农夫突发妙想,要用一架老式飞机飞越著名的国王湖,以此带动乡村的旅游业。飞行并不是闹着玩的,需要一整套的包括审批、地勤、安全等相关措施的一项计划。可这两个老几还是把飞机开上了天......