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  • 电影
  • 电影童话
  • Figures of History and the Grounds of Intelligence
  • 动漫
    幼时的有坂香月(神田朱未 配音)和神乐勇治(吉野裕行 配音)是感情十分要好的青梅竹马,甚至约定了长大好要结为夫妻。没想到,一直守着这个约定的香月发现,曾经正直的勇治居然长成了一个眼里只有漂亮女孩子的色鬼!这未见的10年里,勇治究竟经历了怎样的变故?  而在这个节骨眼上,有坂家和神乐家的父母居然决定结伴出游,留下两家的四个孩…
  • 房间里的你
  • 电影
    Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect herself or an innocent family tha…
  • 动漫少女
    故事发生在巡之丘学园中,丈枪由纪(水濑祈 配音)天真可爱,是名副其实的开心果。惠飞须泽胡桃(小泽亚李 配音)踏实可靠,她的坚强和元气影响了身边的每一个人。若狭悠里(市道真央 配音)温柔坚强,是大家心目中稳重的靠山。直树美纪(高桥李依 配音)外表冷漠,但内心的热情不容忽视。这些可爱的孩子们共同组成了“学园生活部”,每天都在进…
  • Four childhood friends, all married with no passion left, get together in a high school reunion dinner. Between laughs and drinks, they all agree that they love their wives but no longer desire them. Together they hatch an illogical project: a secret club for men who want to cheat, so that they themselves can regain lu…
  • In this short prequel to the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, two feisty brides-to-be discover that they have something in common - the absent groom. Still, there are plenty of pirates who'd love to trade their goats for 'em.
  • 电影喜剧