搜索 Gutierrez

  • MaslaAPapanok
    A princess seeks refuge in a Convent to escape an arranged marriage. A young prince tries to make sense of his station. A giant bird mysteriously appears after centuries of absence. MASLA A PAPANOK (AVE) mixes history, myth, memory and magic to reimagine the Spanish colonial period in Mindanao like never before.
  • 接连两三个花季少女都被同样方式强奸杀害。警方和学校的老师一齐在保护学生的同时,抓住一切线索找到凶手,而老师的女儿也不幸遇害。一日凶手的真相大白,一切证据都指向了学校的保洁工......
  • 电影爱情
  • 藝術家自古皆寂寞或許是境界,人到中年萬事憂則是現實。在畫室洋洋灑灑呈現自由雄風的裸男畫作令他一舉成名,在家面對前妻懷着新歡骨肉、與女兒相處尷尬卻令他一籌莫展。貝蒙特的寂寞,在於如何在著名畫家與單親爸爸雙重身份、藝術創作與家庭生活之間取得平衡。維羅(《電影就在街角》,35 屆)找來合作多年的編劇兼美指好友對號入座,還原藝術…
  • A group of young travelers are stranded on an island in the Pacific where they struggle to escape an evil presence that has been kept hidden from mankind for centuries.
  • 在社会底层,充斥看不见的人,他们于无人留意的时候, 默默浸淫在看不见的哀愁。十七岁少女过着平凡生活: 上学、在宠物店兼职,唯孤独难掩躁动,扰攘渗透寂寞。有什么令她不再平淡的事件在周围的空气飘荡,可是当真的有什么发生了,到头来又必须若无其事,一切交给上天决定,连最难承受的生与死也可轻放。戛纳金摄影机奖得主柏保罗佐治利以写实…
  • A Texas teen and wanna be actor knocks them dead at "The Audition" Two soldiers are on a secret mission in the jungles of South America. Once captured, their last night together will reveal dark secrets and create sexual tensions that will cause wide spread collateral damage in "The Private War of Joseph…
  • 一群电影工作者进入了一个工作室,整整一天,他们通过念稿、排练、计算,上演了这个叫做“傻瓜和蠢蛋”的故事。在桌旁围坐并按照导演的指示,他们向我们展示了电影创造过程的演变,以及如何通过一次次的尝试,指引、灯光和道具将最开始的剧本变成电影。在电影院,我们的错觉以及电影的“视觉谎言”,使我们能够享受到在屏幕上看到的故事。
  • 电影
    “The Chosen Ones” turns on 15-year-old, Ulises, who is being groomed by his father to enamor young girls, tricking them into prostitution. But he falls in love with Sofia, his first victim, who’s just 14. To save her, his father demands he…
  • Internet cafés and slackers, not-so-innocent schoolgirls and amateur porn using Google Glass, Mayans and the end of the world, acid trips and guinea pigs as extras in an exorcism: things in Lima, the Peruvian capital, are pretty similar to…