搜索 Gyu

  • These child prodigies of the animal kingdom have feathers and beaks – and very special skills!The Keas of New Zealand are the only parrots that live in snowy mountain areas. They like testing their brains, solving puzzles and challenging t…
  • 100名陌生女人 VS 你朋友的女人! 你会选谁?!建宇和泰哲虽是好友,却唯独对女人问题,立场恰恰相反。每晚与陌生女人鬼混的建宇,每晚幻想着与单恋10年之久的女人 - 世英, 一夜情的泰哲。问题是建宇喜欢世英, 而且世英也好像喜欢建宇。知道此事后,泰哲起初是想放弃的...但发现越想忘记,越被吸引的自己...
  • Laszlo Sardi, a young man from the countryside, moves to Budapest in the late sixties. They want to start a new life here with her lover, a pretty Barcelona woman who is older than her, but the woman is isolated from her own interests and Sardi is left alone. However, Iroi's ambitions are to keep the boy in the city wh…
  • 描写1848年匈牙利革命反对哈布斯堡王朝的斗争。
  • In December 1956 there is a chaotic situation in Hungary. The revolution is put down by the Soviet army. People leave the country in large numbers for fear of revenge. A young soldier (György Angeli) who also took a part in the revolution, takes a train to Vienna together with his friend (Dániel Szerencsés). Written by…
  • 电影剧情
  • 根据缅甸籍在韩务工者苏拉(Thura)的个人传记改编。透过的视角,揭露了韩国针对外来务工者的种种苛刻条款与不公待遇,以及他作为社会少数群体所承受的生活重压。相较之下,童年的美好回忆、故土的淳朴乡情,还有那里连绵雨季所结下的“雨的果实”都让他无比思念。苏拉把尖刻的社会问题以诗意的字句呈现,将一切娓娓道来,平淡温柔的叙述更引人…
  • 该片改编自2月tvN播出的电视剧《谤法》,讲述的是有着只要拥有某人的汉字名字、照片、随身携带物品,就能通过诅咒令其死亡能力的10代少女和充满正义感的社会部记者同躲在大企业背后的巨大恶势力展开斗争的故事。