- The Fifth Estate is a Canadian television newsmagazine. The name is a play on the fact that the media are sometimes referred to as the Fourth Estate, and was chosen to highlight the program's determination to go beyond everyday news into original journalism. The program has been on the air since September 16, 1975, and…
- 本DVD中精心而严谨的记录了20世纪中15位震鑠乐坛的指挥巨匠的轨迹:福特万格勒与柏林爱乐的华格纳、布拉姆斯与舒伯特,德奥传承的脉动在即兴的大师指尖脱出极具个人化标记的唯一图腾。托斯卡尼尼在纽约的威尔第与雷史碧基詮释,则是迥然不同的呈示这一位维繫传统的巨人忠於绵密细节的完美主义表徵。华尔特的莫札特与布拉姆斯,让我们见证何谓流…
- Six women inherit a gas station and have sex with the customers while their cars are getting filled up outside.