搜索 Gärtner

  • 雷明顿(约书亚·温奇)逃脱了邪恶的小屋,但是现在邪恶继续跟随着他,破坏了他所到之处,因为克洛伊(凯特琳·纽伯里)和瑞夫(Shanon Snedden)寻找失踪的姐姐去了邪恶的小屋。上一期。两人会晤了一位失败的电视节目主持人文森特(Vincent),以帮助他们从心理上联系失踪的妹妹。那是当晚上响起枪声,三个人见识Remmington的时候。现在…
  • 齊格與斯文已經搬到一起了,而充滿活力的柏林城市學生,他們必須拿出一些聰明的角度來賺錢,沒有作品,衣衫襤褸,財務狀況看起來相當慘淡,直到他們穿過了最後努力發明了性勃起丸偶然的機會,現在他們的眼睛閃爍著發大財的夢幻前景,他們拼了拿出殺手計劃的生存模式。
  • Rosa, a young and self-confident woman, used to live a happy life in a small valley in the Alps, but after the second world war broke out, everything changed.
  • 电影
    Molly Dunn(Jhey Castles 饰)从小热爱地理,她曾在半夜做实验闹得家人不得安宁,但是她并不是一个十分幸运的孩子,父亲很早就死于一场地震灾害中。长大后Molly成为了一名地质学家,在一所大学教书,某天她正在做一项预测地震的试验,安放在各处的传感器数据显示即将会有一场大地震发生,她必须通知所有人撤离,但是她的力量实在太薄弱了,并没…
  • 一位优秀的外科医生要回家给自己的儿子庆生,但被院长叫回来为一位卫生部长开一台小手术,为的是得到其欢心。没想到他留下来是为了拯救一位溺水几乎超过半小时的4岁女孩的生命,为了救她,医生把官员不得不抛下;为了救她,大家就地取材来做一台体外设备来换下已经工作近8个小时的呼吸机;为了救她,医生不得不面对可能救回一个植物人的后果..…
  • The Alphas and Omegas share a thrilling adventure after Runt discovers the Saw Tooth Cave. Runt finds a wolf in need and lends a helping paw.
  • 老鹰队
    影响力Felicia和曲棍球天才Elias,前NHL明星Mats Kroon的孩子,从波士顿搬到父亲的故乡Oskarshamn。当学校和曲棍球队的主要等级制度受到兄弟姐妹的到来的挑战时,这一举动不会完全不复杂。老鹰队是一个由四个年轻人组成的强大系列,在瑞典的一个小镇上,爱情,竞争和友谊穿插着坚硬的曲棍球和未来的梦想。
  • One of the craft returns to Earth, however, landing in a Mexican desert. The crew has evidence of life on other planets, but they are unable to cope with the hardships of the desert. The five space travelers are driven insane by thirst, start murdering one another, and engage in cannibalism until only one man is left. …
  • 电影
    A typically quiet suburban community descends into chaos and paranoia after the delivery of mysterious red letters containing deadly instructions.
  • In the present film, Helmut Berger again plays Ludwig. In the story, Ludwig has travelled from Munich to Switzerland with a handsome actor (Max Tidof) who is part of his personal entourage, in order to hear him recite Schiller's "William Tell" in an appropriate setting. Unfortunately, the recitation is a disa…