  • 电影剧情
    遇上一个人的概率是二十四万分之一,能成为密友大概更是天文数字。 Miruyi 经常被欺凌而患上选择性缄默症,她收养一条蚕虫作情感寄托。转校生Tsumugi 来到,成为Miruyi 的奇迹。谜样的Tsumugi 很难捉摸,更自带虫属性。廿五岁导演枝优花拍出暗黑寓言版的《花与爱丽丝》(2004),讲欺凌的电影很多,却说不出这种切肤之痛。撕开芳华的外衣,青春…
  • 萨尔曼汗的妈妈要他找一个印度女孩,像月亮一样的美女。只有希里戴玉才能是月亮女神。女神被坏人胁迫而来。他们能战胜邪恶吗?
  • Using state of the art 3D graphics and the timing of a stand-up comedian, world famous statistician Professor Hans Rosling presents a spectacular portrait of our rapidly changing world. With 7 billion people already on our planet we often look to the future with dread, but Rosling's message is surprisingly upbeat. Almo…
  • 电影
  • A censorship groupie harasses a woman from the censorship board of Singapore in the supermarket, following her out to the car park where he begins a song and dance routine about censorship with a cast of hundreds.This short was made to protest about the cuts made to the director's first film and ironically this movie w…
  • Eine Frau unterwegs mit Schlittenhunden durch die Eiswüste. Eine einsame Hütte. Ein Mann, eingepackt in Pelz – er wurde gesucht, sie hat ihn gefunden. Und sie, Alaska Johansson, Top-Headhunterin, bekommt in der Firmenzentrale eine große E…
  • Bhavna is a story of a less privileged women. A lady who was living all alone in the city met a man named Ajay Kapoor in a garden, sketching. They became friends and later on friendship turned into love. Eventually they got married, however, Kapoor's dad had not granted permission for this marriage. After bearing a fin…
  • 1929年10月29日,世界現代經濟史進入最黑暗的時期。人們趕不上市場崩壞的速度,價格也時時在變。1932年銀行倒閉,那時沒有社會安全制度,也沒有現在的各種保障,經濟不景氣的慘狀,宛如煉獄般空前絕後長達十年。30年代的文學和視覺藝術,都是以去了解蕭條時代的真相為創作基礎,並且特別著重在有25%的美國人失業的初期,藝術家如海明威也對此衝…
  • Kayseri'li,geleneksel,gittikçe zenginleşen bir aile olan Çınar Ilgaz'ın ailesiyle İstanbul'lu sosyetik ve gittikçe maddiyatını kaybeden bir aile olan Lale Taşkıran ailesi'nin birbirleriyle savaşını ve ikilinin aşkını anlatır.Ayrıca La…