  • 电影动作
    爱丽丝(劳米·拉佩斯 Noomi Rapace 饰)曾经是隶属于中情局的高级审讯官,在一次反恐任务中,她的疏忽导致了数十名百姓无辜丧生,受不了良心谴责的爱丽丝选择了辞职,并且彻底放下了过去,开始尝试着去过普通人的生活。可就在爱丽丝渐渐以往了曾经的日子时,中情局找到了她,邀请她再度出山协助破案。在破案的过程里,爱丽丝渐渐发觉了其中的猫…
  • A subway station somewhere in the Northwestern hemisphere. Rush hour. An unattended baggage catches the attention of the passengers. Moments of insecurity pass. All of a sudden, a mass panic breaks out in the moving crowds. The stampede leaves its survivors perplexed: Was the bomb only ticking in their minds?
  • 电影动作
    青春餓狼狂野的呼喚瘋魔樂迷,倫敦另類搖滾組合Wolf Alice一出道酷爆震撼樂壇,首張專輯〈MyLove is Cool〉獲權威音樂雜誌NME譽為「十年來最佳首張大碟」,單曲〈Silk〉更搭上了《迷幻列車2》打頭炮宣傳。曾以《情慾九歌》撩動色慾挑戰禁忌的導演溫達保頓,自然不甘於純粹忠實紀錄四人樂隊於英國及愛爾蘭的巡迴演唱。巡演巴士日夜在公路飛馳,台…
  • 电影冒险
    片中,男主角马诺洛,要击败情敌华金,赢得爱人玛利亚的芳心。为此,他不但必须在剑术上胜过马诺洛,以及击剑高手玛利亚本人,还得穿越“铭记之地”,抵挡种种诱惑,重回人间。   影片瑰丽斑斓,色彩丰富,充满墨西哥文化元素。墨西哥人认为,死亡是生命的归宿,也是新生的开始。每年11月的前两天为传统节日“鬼节”,全国都要隆重庆祝,带着…
  • 在美国出生长大的昌杜是一个认为爱就是伤痛的花花公子,在前女友的陷害之下不得不支付巨额赔款,为了凑钱昌杜第一次回到了印度并在机场结识了桑蒂雅。为了从爷爷手里拿到钱,昌杜谎称自己将回到印度工作并说自己已经结婚,演戏欺骗桑蒂雅帮助自己扮演夫妻,在家庭生活之中昌杜感受到了爱与温暖。   回到美国失去了桑蒂雅之后让昌杜对爱有了新…
  • This is the opening film in a series which explores the history and development of the comic-book as an artistic entity in its own right. In a moving collage of images, part still photographs, part animation and part documentary film clips, the subject matter, various types of characters, and various types of artistic …
  • To Be King is the story of down and out son of a professional boxer, Tyrone King, who loses his family and is plagued with setbacks but finds redemption in his life to move on. He crosses paths with the man who trained his father and the man who lead his father to his death in the underground fighting world. King finds…
  • Former underground out-law, John Steel is hired from the CIA to bring down 4 members of a silent corrupt group within the FBI.