- When Chelsea meets up with her estranged childhood best friend, Milla, she's unprepared for the events that follow. Milla, who is now a webcam girl briefly catches Chelsea on camera during one of her shows. Unbeknownst to her, Chelsea has now been exposed to a watcher who becomes obsessed and will stop at nothing to ha…
- VR It is human nature to long for something different, something that lies “somewhere over the rainbow.” At times, this aspirational dreaming leads to improvements, but more often than not, this attitude leads to a sense of discontent wit…
- 讲述了“残次品”的精英和实验性克隆人在克隆人战争刚结束时,在迅速变化的银河系中寻找自己的方向。“残次品”成员是一支独特的克隆人队伍,他们在基因上与克隆人军队中的兄弟不同,每个人都拥有一种独特的特殊技能,使他们成为特殊的士兵和可怕的船员。
- 纪录长片《沙海之上:敦煌和威尼斯》(VENICE AND DUNHUANG Above Desert and Sea),是2022年最值得期待的系列纪录片之一,它首次以历史地理学和人类学的视角观察和呈现了敦煌和威尼斯,这两座人类历史上伟大的城市。 敦煌、威尼斯,一边是潟湖之上的岛屿,一边是戈壁沙漠之中的绿洲,自然环境有着极端的差异。两地相隔6400多公里,除了空…