搜索 Hae

  • Within 48 hours of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii authorities arrested several hundred local Japanese in Oahu, Maui, and Kauai. Within a few months over 2,000 men and women of Japanese ancestry were arrested, detained and incarcerated in Hawaii and later sent to the Department of Justice and War Relocation Auth…
  • 电影动画
    经过上百万年的进化,熊猫一族经历了无数艰难险阻,走到今天。虽然濒临灭绝的熊猫接受了人类的细心呵护,但是一场史无前例的灾难即将席卷它们的栖息地,狂风暴雨会引发洪水,毁灭熊猫一族。担心子孙的命运,祖先们向熊猫菩萨(赵忠祥 配音)请教,菩萨预言将有一只继承了祖先们智慧的超级熊猫降生,拯救本民族的命运。与此同时,森林中名叫潘迪…
  • 这次天狼星团队对这迷你外星人做了DNA测试、X光报告、CT断层扫描等所有能够做的化验几乎都做了,藉此来完整了解这个外星人的全部资讯,所以整体的化验报告整整历经十年才出炉,这当中还有一个问题就是早期的检验技术还没这么进步,所以一直无法得出结论,随着时间演进,才取得足够的资讯。首先史丹佛大学研究团队发现了他脸部产生骨折,这也是他…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影生活
  • Three aspiring film makers venture to a mysterious lake resort to uncover a story on a local legend. As they get closer to the truth, the danger follows. Before they know it they are thrust into a fight for their lives and the truth about Avocado lake.
  • A charismatic radio DJ in Hiroshima, is so disillusioned he wants to quit his job. The years have drained all the passion he had for speaking into a microphone and it's all he can do to turn up for work every day without being drunk. One day, the radio DJ saves a young girl who is about to fall off a bridge. This girl …