搜索 Hann

  • Sparked by a public display of sexual harassment in 2012, GTFO pries open the video game world to explore a 20 billion dollar industry that is riddled with discrimination and misogyny. In recent years, the gaming community has grown more diverse than ever. This has led to a massive clash of values and women receive the…
  • A married couple have dinner and discuss their future, they go to bed but soon they realize that someone is in the house. The crisis that follows this incident brings the couple closer together, but brings the relationship to a clash when reality comes knocking on the door. A movie about love and living with a secret.
  • 录像存档的汇编
  • 剧情中的主要内容:恐怖片的事件在一个美国小镇的领土上展开。情节的中心是一个年轻女孩,她的父亲从事各种重要文件的交付。尽管这个城市的人口并不太令人印象深刻,但他经常有太多的工作来应付单靠这一点是不可能的。正因为这个原因,有时候他会向他的女儿求助,他的女儿整天都感到无聊。所以这次发生了。主要的女主角是提交一个信封并发出驱逐…
  • 1968年,「布拉格之春」民主化運動導致蘇聯入侵捷克斯洛伐克,此時亦是兩段戀情的萌芽。年輕的捷克導演洪札大衛到布拉格拍攝蘇聯入侵的畫面,遇到集結政治手腕和美貌於一身的女演員艾娃,隨即愛上她。帶著危險的影片,兩人悄悄來到維也納,希望能讓全世界看到真相。等著他們的是奧地利廣播公司的赫穆特席克。與特務機關過從甚密的赫穆特,同樣也…
  • Each of the six subjects, Lily McAlevey, Michael Q. Schmidt, Carol Hannan Mulcahy, Michael Mallers (holding the young Gavin Muckey in his arms), and Lillian Centeno are filmed in slow motion, floating upward then descending down to the earth, where they bottom out in gravity's clutch. Yet each person is magically stati…