- 故事讲述的是1941年,在德国准备对苏联进行闪电战的前夜,四位雅利安人和一位犹太人这五位挚友,在一个酒吧里聚会庆祝。德国男青年威尔汉姆和他的弟弟弗雷德汉姆响应希特勒的号召应征入伍,即将奔赴前线。女青年夏洛特即将前往战地医院救助伤员。女青年格雷塔经营着一间酒吧,希望有朝一日成为一名女歌星。她的情人维克多是一个犹太人。他们在启…
- Cat and Hannah, two British women in their twenties, take on the gruelling 3000km drive along Central Asia's Pamir Highway - the second highest international road on Earth. It runs from southern Uzbek deserts, through Tajikistan's Pamir mountain range, climbing over 4600m, into Kyrgyzstan and all the way to its vibrant…
- Europe is a mortally sick woman who is killing time with her Chinese Man Machine. They are at their last post. Outside lies a snow-covered wasteland. Elsewhere, on a glacier is an institute, where a group of nurses are faithfully playing their regressive part in the execution of a new world order. Their trance is disru…
- [地狱男爵]原著漫画作者迈克·米格诺拉纪录长片[迈克·米格诺拉:创作怪物](Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters,暂译)发布先导预告。该片由凯文·汉娜、吉姆·德莫纳科斯共同执导。该片内容囊括迈克·米格诺拉本人以及其他相关影人的采访。采访人物包括尼尔·盖曼(《好兆头》)、道格·琼斯([水形物语])、亚当·萨维奇(《流言终结者》)、丽贝卡·…
- Jules, an Uber drive of Senegalese origin living in Paris. One night, a man dies in his car. As he slips his feet into the dead man’s incredible shoes, Jules also steals his identity and becomes King, a charismatic man who wants only one t…
- 在南非玛拉玛拉私营保护区桑德河的北岸,7个神奇的动物生活在一个大小和曼哈顿岛差不多的地方。\r\n 这部激动人心的影片将向你讲述7个毫不相关的动物是怎样变成一个生活圈的故事。每个动物都有自己的优势,但也有一些弱点,他们的行动总是让人印象深刻。这儿没有弱者的生存空间,在非洲的丛林裏只有一条规则:最大、最强、最快和最聪明的生存…