搜索 Hansson

  • It is a very hot summer in the city as the well known detectives of the 87th Precinct investigate serial rapes and a mysterious homicide (which do not appear to be connected). The women getting raped appear to be raped by a rapist who has raped them earlier and who was not caught. Detective Eileen Burke, who is working…
  • On ne naît pas baby-sitter, on le devient...Annie Braddock est une jeune femme d'origine modeste, tout juste sortie du collège. Pressée par sa mère d'entrer dans la vie active, elle obtient un poste de nounou dans une famille huppée de Ma…
  • Atka Natas is a secret agent from the oppressive regime of Liquidatzia. He visits his estranged wife Vera, a chemist who is involved with a group of exiles trying to smuggle their compatriots out of Liquidatzia. Almkvist, an honest local policeman and former lover of Vera's, contacts her while investigating the death o…
  • 剪了一头羊的毛,宰了一头猪,砍了一棵树,捕了一网鱼,盖了一座芦苇小屋……在导演伯格曼最后生活的小岛上,人口稀少环境闭塞而呈现出萧索的景象,但在纪录片形式拍摄下,也象征一种希望。喧嚣的城市让人浮躁太多,反而更使得安静的小岛可以达到人生的另一种状态。
  • The story of fallen French Emperor Napoleon during his last years on the island of St. Helena when he falls in love with a young English girl.
  • (IMDB)Maggi meets David after having missed her train, and they spend the night together. Penniless, the young lovers break into a summer cottage. The owner, Håkansson, offers to rent it to them, but he has an ulterior motive. By living to…
  • 现在是银川市狂野西部的黎明。一群美丽但致命的女性向未能保护她们的社会释放了暴力,她们抢劫银行,并摧毁了她们路上的一切。一支队伍被派去追捕这些蒙面袭击者,他们不知道自己在追捕谁,也不知道等待他们的是什么命运--因为将这些女义警绳之以法,将揭开令人惊讶的过去和所有人的新未来。
  • 电影充满了欢笑和冒险,讲述了凯西(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)和乔治(Nick Fuoco 饰)两个欢喜的姐弟以及他们的死党弗瑞德之间发生的一系列搞笑事件。父母外出旅行,保姆玛蒂达(伊娃·门德斯 Eva Mendes 饰)负责照顾三人,而乔治则想趁机捣乱。乔治在家中捣乱后,凯西生气了,希望通过设计让乔治惹怒玛蒂达,从而受到处罚。然…