- A talented young woman from a rural village travels to the "Big City" of Johannesburg, South Africa to become a Star. She lands a role in a musical play about Zulu Queen Mkabayi, Shaka's Aunt and searches for her identity as a Performer, a Zulu, a Woman and a Daughter. Will she be able to keep up with her mor…
- Straight-laced,type-ApersonalityJoyMileshastotakeanunscheduledroadtriptodriveherforgetful,yetopinionated,mother-in-law,Loraine,fromLouisville,KentuckytoSavannah,Georgia.Althoughinitiallyimpatientandfrustrated,JoybeginstorealizehertrueaffectionforLoraineasshetakesafront-seat-viewofhowthisstrong-willedyetfree-spiritedwom…
- Troop 491: The Adventures of the Muddy Lions follows Tristan, a naïve adolescent boy coping with life in the projects. He is enrolled in the Boy Scouts by his mother in an effort to keep him off the streets, but when he witnesses a homicid…
- Whenahighschoolseniorfindsoutfromherparentsthatshehastomissthetown'swinterdancetoattendChristmasEveserviceatchurch,shesuccessfullywishestheirfaithaway,bringingdisastrousconsequencestoherfamilyandcommunity.Torestoretheirfaith,sheisledthroughaseriesofChristmasadventuresthatchangeherheartandthosearoundher.