- 严兆林在台湾东海岸游历,这是一个以自然、殖民和人口外流为特征的地区。AMIS是台湾许多少数民族中最大的一个,被正式认定为土著民族。阎朝林在寻找属于马库塔埃土著人民的不同精神习俗时,将对旧阿弥斯精神守护神的记忆与道教仪式和长老会葬礼的习俗放在同等的基础上,允许个人祈祷回响和集体抵抗的出现。《马库塔爱的精神守护神》是由导演亲手…
- When Homo sapiens turned up in prehistoric Europe, they ran into the Neanderthals. The two types of human were similar enough-intellectually and culturally-to interbreed. But as more Homo sapiens moved into Europe and the population increased, there was an explosion of art and symbolic thought which overwhelmed the Nea…
- Hermano, a successful doctor and enthusiastic rock climber, is planning to climb an almost invincible mountain in the Tierra del Fuego, when he discovers that his wife Adri is pregnant. Though Adri desires this unexpected pregnancy, Hermano is a bit reluctant to be a father, and he is obsessed by the challenge of the m…