搜索 Hao

  • 电影喜剧
    海南仔遇上潮州妹,一个女生男相,一个男生女相,住在同一大厦,本来互不相干,却因一个从天而降的bra结怨结缘。他把自来bra 当作护身符据为己有,她就四出张贴「寻bra 启事」苦苦搜索,内衣争夺战一触即发。以为冰释前嫌,缘份来跨性别,她的旧爱美慧却突然杀到,一屋两性三角错,拥抱也未免太拥挤。他的弟弟亡魂亦来加入战团,左右感情大局。…
  • Yuchao
  • 本片讲述的是一位热血的侠士作为保镖,保护孙中山由香港返回大陆。其间受到种种阻挠,并与来自各地的功夫高手决一死战。
  • Zarathustra announces the birth of the superman and describes his views on a variety of subjects during an encounter with a group of youth.
  • AthaOkintiKodale
  • 电影生活
    二战时期,河北省涞源县上庄村十二岁的放牛娃王二小,出生在一个贫苦的家庭。他和爸爸、妈妈,哥哥生活在一起,虽然清贫,但他们相亲相爱,生活充满了温馨。  一九四二年的一天,一声巨响,日本鬼子的炮弹落到了二小的家里。在山上放牛的二小和哥哥眼睁睁的看着刚才还温暖的家和亲爱的爹娘,顷刻间灰飞烟灭,惊恐得不知所措…… 剧情:  二战…
  • 主人公朱青茂(秦汉 饰)在童年时目睹母亲的不忠行为,导致他对母亲产生深刻的忌恨和愤怒。随着时间的推移,青茂离开家庭,寻求庇护和支持,最终找到慈祥的吴伯母。母亲多次试图修复与儿子的关系,但青茂一直回避,导致他的内心充满了怀疑和憎恨,特别是对女性。然后,青茂终于受到吴伯母的劝导,决定去旅馆会见母亲。在那里,他误以为母亲再次…
  • 《狂魅娇娃》本片讲述了一个贫苦家庭惨遭凌辱,10年酝酿血腥复仇的故事....
  • "O Assalto ao Trem Pagador" is a classic of the Brazilian Cinema. based on a true event, indeed one of the boldest heist in the Brazilian history, the film is very impressive even in the present days. The accuracy and realism of the scenes recall the Italian Movement Neo-Realism. The lack of human rights with…
  • Jerome is a director who wants to make an important film, a film that embodies our time and the sempiternal crisis of the present-day. He wants to make a film that brings together social issues and comedy, intimism and surrealism. Jerome wants to make a film about chairs.