- 曼托亚是一位生活在莱索托的80岁寡妇。她知道自己时日无多,开始为自己的葬礼做准备,向她的人生彻底告别。然而此时,她的村庄因水库建设,面临着被迫搬迁的命运。这点燃了曼托亚的生存意志。为了家园,这位将死的老妇将抗争到底。
- The Holy Man 2, the sequel to the comedy The Holy Man, introduces you to a new young monk named Brother Joey (Joey Boy) who replaces the position of the former Holy Man.Once he arrives at the temple, Brother Joey is assigned to develop the run-down temple as well as solve the problem that the temple is now facing; rock…
- 百年战争,世事颠倒,人心糜烂,贪欲横行。各国之间兼并攻伐,血流成河。名叫格斯的男子(岩永洋昭 配音)凭藉一己之力在佣兵中打出名号,也引起另一个强大男人的观注。不久,他遭遇了令人闻风丧胆的佣兵部队“鹰之团”及其具有超凡魅力和实力的领导者统治者格里菲斯(樱井孝宏 配音)。格斯在挑战格里菲斯的战斗中败北,此后加入鹰之团,成为其…