搜索 Haran

  • Raja is a small-time outlaw, whose daring antics land him the accidental job of designated bodyguard to Bhuvana. Bhuvana is being chased by an gang led by Shaka, who are after a map leading to a hidden diamond mine. Nicely shot, otherwise standard action fare - and interesting experience for anyone who's never heard th…
  • Ghashiram Kotwal, a stylized film version of Vijay Tendulkar's radical Marathi play chronicling the Peshwa regime in western India.The Peshwa empire, based in Pune, was the only one of its extent in India under Brahmin rule. The film made in 1976 in a sensitive political situation when a state of emergency was declared…
  • A former army colonel comes from a village to live in the city with her daughters where he finds it hard to adapt with the modern life.
  • 故事梗概:激情四射霓红闪烁的迪厅因为“麻辣男孩”的出场顿时鸦雀无声,还没等蹦迪的年轻人弄清楚发生了什么,舞台上“麻辣男孩”的热歌劲舞已经将整个迪厅重新点燃,随着“麻辣男孩”舞动的节奏、和走下台来与年轻朋友的零距离互动,整个迪厅因为“麻辣男孩”的到来,沉浸在一片忘情快乐的海洋之中。“麻辣男孩”是音乐经纪人比迪倾注了全部心…
  • 我真的是找了很久的资料,太老了这个电影!人物太多太乱。阿玛萨西比博士(Dr. Amar)和他的妻子萨维特丽(Savitri)和在校的女儿帕瓦迪,3人过着非常幸福富有的生活。 博士从事医学的研究工作,目前正在参与的项目是蛇的研究。 有一天,他独自进入森林深处的蛇庙,那个晚上目睹蛇魔夫妻从蛇变成人形的交配仪式(反正变来变去又唱又跳,女蛇非常壮硕…
  • 影片通过描写一群印度马戏演员的悲惨遭遇,以此来控诉当时的印度社会制度。
  • 鳄鱼泪
    Johan and Mama live on a crocodile farm. They have a very close and protective relationship, which is threatened when Johan falls in love with a woman.
  • 奥特赫尔·加泰罗传奇