搜索 Hari

  • Corin Nemec (Mansquito, SS Doomtrooper) co-stars alongside Carpenter as TV ghost hunters that enter a reportedly haunted house that may prove to be the death of them.
  • 卢兹(亚内·勒克 Arne Lenk 饰)和瑞贝卡(卡塔琳娜·舒特勒 Katharina Schüttler 饰)相恋多年,即将携手步入婚姻的殿堂,卢兹邀请了自己的母亲杰德琳(亚德拉·纽豪塞 Adele Neuhauser 饰)参加他们的婚礼。杰德琳是一个控制狂,她一直觉得是瑞贝卡抢走了自己心爱的儿子,而对后者充满了敌意。为了讨好未来的婆婆,瑞贝卡各种做小伏低,但她…
  • A barren landscape in northern Afghanistan. Fighting is going on. What remains are charred landscapes and people fleeing to the most remote areas of the steppe. In November 2001, the bloody battles of the Taliban force thousands of Afghans to seek refuge near the border to Tajikistan. Orzu Sharipov documents everyday l…
  • A tribute and doc-crime-drama celebrating American film noir and the icons of the Hollywood golden age. It recaptures the time and place of New York in the 30's and 40s as well as plays with the codes and references of the genre.
  • 在Faron Hallowell只有11岁时,她被送到精神病院,原因是她射杀一位当地气象预报员未遂,她自称那是外星人交给她的秘密任务。现在已经是5年之后,她被释放并恢复正常,她想要普通的生活。但过去的阴霾依然困扰着她,她将不得不使用自己不可思议的能力,再次保护家乡,探寻自己的身份之谜。
  • 中文名 我们美好的日子类 型 爱情出品公司 埃及阿拉伯电影公司制片地区 埃及导 演 哈默·哈里姆编 剧 阿里·爱·佐卡尼主 演法婷·哈玛玛、奥马尔·爱·谢里夫、莎哈里特·爱·奥拉、基娜特·西得基、西拉格·蒙尼尔、阿西莎·海默上映时间 1955年对白语言 阿拉伯语色 彩 彩色出品时间 1955年译制公司 长春电影制片厂译制时间 1957年故事发…
  • A funny film in which two unemployed people who live in the industrial district of Cologne spend their empty days drinking beers in a bar. They make some halfyhearted attemps to find a job do not succeed. Than a regular drinking friend of them (Rasko) offers them a job. They open a bar outside the town. But Rasko has s…