- Striving to make the greatest animated film of all time, visionary animator Richard Williams ('Who framed Roger Rabbit') toiled for more than a quarter century on his masterpiece - only to have it torn from his hands. Filmmaker Kevin Schreck has woven together mind-blowing animation, rare archival footage, and exclusiv…
- After returning home from a restful camping adventure, four friends discover that the world they left just a short time ago, has change d forever. While they were safely away in the woods, a disaster has effected the world they left behind. They soon find that they will be lodging fight for their very survival, against…
- The Quon Dynasty follows a zany and entertaining family of Chinese restaurateurs as they grapple with inter-generational friction and sibling rivalry in their uproarious ongoing quest to build their family business without sacrificing their personal passions. Their restaurant—the Lingnan—is an institution, beloved by…
- The spirit of an aborted child comes to life to take revenge on those responsible for its death.
- Main characters Neil Vincent and Stephan Shultz are around 19-21 years old, they live in a rented house, sit around and play video games...they're douche bags. On Neil's side of the story, his life has been going down hill fast. He's just been dumped by his girlfriend for being "a boring ass hole", with this …