搜索 Harris

  • 这次天狼星团队对这迷你外星人做了DNA测试、X光报告、CT断层扫描等所有能够做的化验几乎都做了,藉此来完整了解这个外星人的全部资讯,所以整体的化验报告整整历经十年才出炉,这当中还有一个问题就是早期的检验技术还没这么进步,所以一直无法得出结论,随着时间演进,才取得足够的资讯。首先史丹佛大学研究团队发现了他脸部产生骨折,这也是他…
  • It's been an embarrassingly-long time in the making, but the DVD of Pedigree Dogs Exposed - Three Years On is now available. You can order from the Passionate Productions website or via Amazon UK (although only the PAL version is available via Amazon).I confess I was exhausted after we finished the film, so it took me …
  • When the government tries an experiment on ex-cons and all hell breaks loose in your small town, what would you do? Live or Die?
  • When a rash of demonic possessions occurs in Los Angeles, the Vatican summons an Irish Priest with mysterious powers: Ciaran the Demon Hunter.
  • 故事描述性格传统的高中女教师Trish Fahey对学生自由散漫、不思进取的行为十分不解,对家长听之任之的态度更是十分气愤。在她看来,学习成绩糟糕但是很会打篮球的Justin Kremer是「坏学生」的典型代表。Trish本想好好教育一下Justin不负责任的妈妈Cindy Cremer,但事情却出现了戏剧性的变化……Trish遇见了神秘女人Molly,对方极力劝…
  • 电影剧情
    Inspired by an actual 911 call placed during a school shooting incident in Atlanta, Georgia.@WWW.MOLIKAN.COM
  • In the British countryside, the Harver family head out on an idyllic summer camping trip where they can bury past tensions and enjoy some family bonding. But when their camp is sabotaged by an unseen intruder in the night, they head to the nearby creepy old farm desperate for help, where vengeful farmer Hunt Hansen and…
  • 紅極一時的作家羅素,終究面臨了文思枯竭的窘況,妻子精神異常的妹妹更讓他頭痛不已,而身懷六甲的妻子卻在這時失足跌落樓梯,帶著尚未出世的孩子香消玉殞;重重打擊之下,羅素的人生一片黑暗。他的多年老友大衛於是建議他去找曾經的出軌對象露西,希望重燃羅素對生命與創作的熱情──亡妻的魂魄卻因為得知這不堪的真相遺留人間,纏上了曾經深情…
  • 英国画家弗朗西斯·培根在世界范围内享有盛名,人们对其画作的总体印象好像总是“可怕、痛苦和令人不安”。培根的阴暗面到底来自何处?经常见到有艺术评论家将他40年代的作品与战争联系到一起,那么是来源于战争吗?受访者们似乎都对此持有保留意见。本片从更本源的角度、从培根的个人经历进行挖掘,探寻父亲艾迪·培根以及他的诸多恋人对他创作…