搜索 Hart

  • Roy Wood Jr. tackles freeway protests, examines the origin of the blues and explains why the Confederate flag is sometimes helpful.
  • A group of friends spend a weekend in a remote mountain cabin and discover something that will change their lives. Now they must fight to stay alive.
  • MORTUARY MASSACRE is a gruesome Horror Anthology that centers around Detective Giger's (Todd Brown) debriefing of several mysterious deaths, all taking place on Halloween night. The local mortician (Carl Crew) tells Giger the backstories behind three particular victims, each of them filled with plenty of gore, sex and …
  • 鬼才欧桑睽违七年的新作。如黑色电影般的开场,马革卢瓦逃离警察追逐,意外获得巨款,却又被黑帮掳持,成了同伙。他们在一场失败的抢案后逃上货轮,然而,越趋诡异的旅程才要开始⋯⋯。本片延续其过往风格,黑白影像、章节断片如诗,叙事莫名,却让人深陷其中。
  • [利特X颂乐,第6届Gaon Chart音乐奖MC确认] 已主持过两次Gaon Chart音乐奖的利特#今年也将继续担任MC,而与他合作的则是初次担任MC的MAMAMOO成员颂乐.本届Gaon Chart Music Awards将于2月22日在蚕室室内体育馆举行.今年二人的合作将会碰撞出怎样的火花呢?期待ing.
  • An adopted Irish American artist confronts her past when both sets of parents come together over a weekend for her to paint a family portrait.
  • Vaudeville couple Joe and Sally split on bad terms. Sally, a beautiful and talented young woman, gets a break as a chorus girl in a musical production, and then hits the big time with a song she wrote, which is then used in the big time production. The producer Pat falls in love with her and proposes. Meanwhile the les…
  • Gaon Chart K-POP大奖是依据Gaon Chart统计数据授奖的年度颁奖礼,自2012年开始于每年二月颁发前一年的奖项。其由韩国音乐内容产业协会管理,韩国文化体育观光部赞助,主要颁发给过去一年里在韩国音乐界有优秀成就的艺人。gaon chart由韩国文化体育观光部在2010年成立,虽然成立至今不到两年但却已经成为了韩国最权威,最具影响力的音乐排行榜。…