- Dan Kashwood, the Hall Monitor of Rocky Mountain High School, maintains law and order with force and a .44 Magnum. When a murderer is killing off the football team one by one, it's up to Dan to investigate the mystery.
- Joe Bell is a penny-pinching hermit saving for the day when his real life will begin. One day he's offered a chest filled with treasure by a cryptic old man known as, "The Clockmaker." After giving the chest to Joe, the Clockmaker "accidentally" locks the chest. Joe must now go on a series of wacky …
- 一个男人和小三偷情时被原配发现,原配被小三失手杀死,为防止原配变成恶鬼报复,二人用法器镇压住原配的灵魂。多年后法器被人挪动,无意中放出了原配的鬼魂,原配附身小三的女儿,杀死了几位驱魔的法师和奸夫淫妇,原配的女儿痛斥母亲残忍的行为,拿出法器砸向母亲.....
- 卡莉在一堆糟糕到不行的約會中她終於遇到了好像可以認真交往的米羅,直到她發現了他的真面目…。他變成她”生命中的沒好缺漢”,發生的一切都漸漸讓她快要抓狂,於是她綁架米羅,羞辱他並找來精神官能症的患者及朋友商量要怎麼讓自己從這一連串烏煙瘴氣中脫身。