- WGP中盤、ロイヤルフェスティバルカップの途中で突然謎のマシンガンブラスターXTOとその持ち主リオンが現れ、マシンを吹き飛ばしレースを滅茶苦茶にしてしまった。豪達ビクトリーズのメンバーはガンブラスターを追いかける。実はリオンはGPチップの開発が間に合わずWGPに参加が間に合わなかったレーサーであり、ガンブラスターはようやく完成し…
- The film follows the negotiations between a mid-sized company and a venture capital firm. The company is looking for capital to start production on its invention. Farocki limits himself to observing events without comment. He has edited together documentary footage of the two meetings that resulted in a contract. It's …
- Green Card Fever is the story of a young man in the United States who overstays his visa in the pursuit of a "Green Card". He naively muddles through an underworld of illegal immigrants, immigration lawyers and the INS, and the love of an American girl of Indian origin.