- The film, however, follows familiar pattern of Spanish original, wherein a corpse mysteriously disappears from the city morgue. This leads to summoning of police officer to investigate the case of missing body. As usual needle of suspicion falls on woman's husband. While Spanish film is noir genre cinema, Ramesh's Game…
- 罗伯特·威廉姆斯被警方企业开会的时候。他的妻子劳伦在震荡,在她家发现一个死人了。更多的尸体是在一天后的城市中。作案手法看起来相同,但有一些不完全正确。它是相同的杀手锏还是山寨?警方开始调查神秘的谋杀案。
- A devout but a very naive Muslim youth Banne (Ashish Kaul) leaves his home-land to go to the City to live with Shakeel (vikas Anand), and his beautiful daughter Sabha (Juni). He expects to be pampered as he has been at his home, and Shakeel and Sabha do their best to make him feel at home. He and Sabha slowly get attra…
- タクシー運転手の夜明日出男(渡瀬恒彦)は、営業所の新人運転手・南条秋子(国生さゆり)を紹介され、驚く。奇遇にも秋子は、夜明が刑事だった12年前、張り込みに使わせてもらった南条家の娘だったのだ。当時、秋子の父・昭一(木村元)は貿易会社の社長で、一家は裕福だった。数日後、立花登(モロ師岡)という男の他殺体が見つかった。
- Ein sommerlicher Tag am Chiemsee: Kinder entdecken auf einem Segelboot die Leiche eines Mannes. Kommissar Hattinger und seine Kollegen von der Priener Polizei nehmen die Ermittlungen auf.Kurz darauf taucht eine zweite Leiche auf: Die Autorin Annette Kaufmann wurde in ihrer Ferienwohnung ermordet. Es handelt sich augens…
- Poet Michael Symmons Roberts explores the mythic afterlife of the 18th-century poet Thomas Chatterton. With access to rare documents and artefacts, and featuring a surprising interview with Queen guitarist Brian May, Michael explains how Chatterton's tragic early death in his London garret aged just 17 was immortalised…