搜索 Hause

  • Marcos confesses to Esteban that his relationship with his girlfriend doesn't excite him anymore. That night both will discover the limits of their friendship.
  • A look at bringing Spider-Man into the MCU, Peter Parker's place among the characters, the greater depth he provides in the universe, multi-studio collaboration, and more.
  • Anna is married to her teacher, Professor. Their marriage is a mutual agreement with no great feelings. Marriage gives both a status they need; love must be found elsewhere. Roland is a young man, beautiful body, transparent skin, clear eyes, a keen mind for wisdom. He falls in love with Professor, a man older than Rol…
  • 德国作曲家卡尔海因兹•斯托克豪森的作品《直升机弦乐四重奏》是近些年来最受争议的艺术作品之一。这个作品为美国著名的阿蒂替弦乐四重奏乐团创作的。在1995年荷兰音乐节上进行了首演。演奏四重奏的四个人分别在飞翔在空中的四架直升飞机里演奏。他们演奏的音乐随后传送到了中心区,在调音台进行了混音。在影片《直升机弦乐四重奏》中,弗兰克•…
  • 影片讲述汝拉山脚,17岁的PA与一伙朋友去年在上高中,大型强子对撞机在地下400英尺的地方,探索未知的粒子。冬季到来,PA开始发觉周围的世界在移动,他开始看到有东西在发光,景观变得异常,熟悉的生态系统发生微小的变化。
  • 电影冒险
  • Jakob Levin, a delinquent on a downward spiral, is sentenced by the courts to serve time on his uncle's organic farm. Put to work with a bunch of misfit interns, Jakob soon discovers that not everything is as idyllic as it first appears.
  • Clete哈里斯是一名CIA特工是谁在洪都拉斯卧底,使用远程和平队站为他的基地。当他发现自己心爱的兄弟好友,明星足球运动员,在一次毒品交易中出了差错被谋杀,Clete回来到美国找到罪魁祸首。这妖孽甚至杀害了自己的母亲。原来,它的精神强盗曼纽尔和他的打手团伙。Clete则使得他的使命来跟踪所有这些下来,报复。为了帮助他在这个使命,他招募水…
  • 一座寂静的小镇里,一位古稀老人领受了上帝的旨意,用中世纪的野蛮手法惩罚人类,替上帝洗清世人的罪恶,清算世人的劣行。没有人知道他要扮演多久上帝惩罚者的角色,甚至连他自己都不清楚这种清算会持续到何时,他只知道自己在这条路上越走越远。直到有一天,他扮演的上帝惩罚者却要不幸地伤及自己心爱的孙女……