搜索 Hawk

  • Musical genius, political hero and racist demon, the life of Richard Wagner reads like the ultimate Boys-own story. The Ring cycle is regarded as one of the finest achievements of the human soul. This documentary examines the connections between Wagner’s own spiritual vision and his art, including coded anti-Semitic re…
  • 一个骑自行车的人遇到一个轮胎漏气的女孩。并送她回家。他和小女孩的妹妹一起参加了一个毒品派对,然后跟着她去了她父亲的一个农场,一个疯狂的科学家。父亲把骑摩托车的人变成了追逐毒品贩子的巨大的火鸡怪物。
  • 电影动画
  • The Pitsburgh basketball team is hopeless. Maybe with the aid of an astrologer, and some new astrologicly compatable players, they can become winners
  • Salma Hayek stars as a woman in love with an adult-film actor. Their relationship gets complicated when he is diagnosed as HIV-positive and an old acquaintance of his offers to help him.Gary is in love with Valentino. So is Mary Carmen. Their life changes when Valentino is hit with a deadly disease and is slowly dying …
  • 六个同学兼好友:马克(Alan Ritchson 饰)、瑞秋(Catherine Wreford 饰)、利兹(Tiffany Kristensen 饰)、亚特兰塔(Ashley Rebecca Hawkins 饰)、苏菲(Myiea Coy 饰)和亚当(Tom Nagel 饰)结伴开车去拉斯韦加斯游玩。自负的马克坚持走捷径,结果一个女人突然出现路中央,导致一场严重车祸发生。利兹当场死亡,其他人不同程度受伤。经过…
  • Plot Summary for Billy Dead (2007) based upon a novel by Lisa Reardon published in 1998 and described by "Daily Variety" magazine as a "murder mystery that portrays a troubled, working-class Michigan family and the long pent-up secrets of violence and incest that emerge in the aftermath of a brother's de…
  • 电影家庭
    从事高风险投资的安迪(菲利普•霍夫曼 饰)最近因为投资失败,手上资金不足,竟打算与弟弟汉克(伊桑•霍克 饰)一起到郊外打劫一家珠宝店。而店主正是安迪兄弟的亲生父母。两人计划好后,以为自己已选择了恰当的时机下手,怎料途中发生了意想不到的以外。他们的家庭表面上和睦美满,但实际上家人都各怀鬼胎。身为父亲的查尔斯(阿尔伯特•芬尼…
  • 作为针砭时尚的讽刺喜剧,《加尔哥答风情画》系列音乐剧展现了关于太多的“性风俗”和“性话题”,舞台上演员全部赤身裸体,甚至模拟性交场面,这在70年代初的英国尚属超级惊人之举,因此演出不久就遭到政府禁令,后在美国巡演大受欢迎。今天这些珍贵的现场画面终于能够通过DVD形式呈现给公众,令人惊喜!