- Gigolos is an American reality television series about the lives of five male escorts in Las Vegas. The series follows the men, all employee s of the same escort agency, through their daily lives and interactions with each other. Cameras also follow the escorts on their appointments with women, including their sexual a…
- Judge Judy Sheindlin, a former judge from New York, tackles real-life small claims cases with her no nonsense attitude in which damages of no more than $5,000 can be awarded. Also by her side is bailiff Petri Hawkins-Byrd who keeps order in the court. Then after a case is closed, the defendant and plaintiff briefly con…
- 史蒂芬·霍金在一档全新的科学节目中展示了我们真正的潜力。《史蒂芬·霍金天才实验室》第一季中有三位志愿者,通过一系列有趣的心理和生理挑战,我们得以观察他们是否能够解决一些历史上的难题——那些连最伟大的天才们也也苦苦思索的问题,例如:我们是孤独的吗?我可以时间旅行吗?我们究竟在哪?我们是什么?宇宙是从哪里来的?我们为什么在…
- FOO FIGHTERS BACK AND FORTH chronicles the 16 year history of the Foo Fighters: from the band's very first songs created as cassette demos Dave Grohl recorded during his tenure as Nirvana's drummer, through its ascent to their Grammy-winning, multi-platinum, arena and stadium headlining status as one of the biggest roc…