- A man awakens in an empty house that he is unable to leave. Battling fatigue, injury and amnesia, and guided only by a cryptic voice on his phone, he begins piecing together fractured memories of the events that led him to be trapped. With a terrifying presence confining him inside the house, he ultimately discovers a …
- To save our great cities from catastrophic flooding, engineers are raising some of the biggest sea defenses in history. Venice MOSE Wall, Delta Flume, Japan Tsunami Barrier, New Jersey Storm Defense. 为了救这些超级城市于灾难性的洪水之中,工程师在着手有史以来阵仗最大的沿海防洪项目——威尼斯莫斯墙,代尔夫特三角洲引水槽,日本防海啸堤坝,新泽西州风暴防御。