- An awkwardly dark, romantic comedy set in Queens, New York. The film follows two very strange people. Greg, a hopelessly awkward romantic who takes things a bit too far in his mind and in real life, he could be described by some (perhaps all) as a stalker. Gwen, is a young woman trying to survive in New York City as a …
- An AWOL soldier with PTSD goes into hiding. Along with his brother and a few friends they retreat into a rural farm area unaware that the outside world has stopped functioning. On their way back to civilization, his brother is attacked and bitten by an infected farmer. The brother quickly turns into a rabid animal and …
- Bill Nye is retiring his kid show act in a bid to become more like his late professor, astronomer Carl Sagan. Sagan dreamed of launching a spacecraft that could change interplanetary exploration. Bill sets out to accomplish Sagan's space mission, but he is pulled away when he is challenged by evolution and climate chan…