- The world is in crisis as it misses target after target to stop climate change. The Green New Deal has captured the imagination of millions with its visionary promise for systemic economic and environmental change that will build a better and more just world. In this moment of political upheaval with clashes in the str…
- That’s a wrap, okay?! Celebrate the #InsecureHBO journey from cultural favorite to a cultural movement. The documentary special Insecure: The End, streams Sunday, December 26 on HBO Max.
- 贝拉与爱德华历经磨难终于踏进了婚姻殿堂。不久贝拉发现怀孕,蜜月提前结束。狼族担心胎儿会对族人构成威胁决定除掉它。雅各布为保护贝拉离开狼族,连夜警告库伦家。胎儿生长迅速令贝拉吃尽苦头。分娩当晚,贝拉大量失血,在她命悬一线之际,爱德华将装有自己吸血毒液的针管插进贝拉心脏。另一边王族也注意到了这个新生儿,一场撼动吸血鬼、狼人…