搜索 Heffer

  • Lilan Bloom is a loyal sister who has taken over the mothering duties for her widowed brother's three children. An artist, she runs a somewhat eccentric but thoroughly charming household. In stepping into her brother's family's life, however, she has stepped out of her own.Artist Lilah Bloom's life is upended when her …
  • Music for AirportsBrian Eno: Music for AirportsBang on a Can, ensembleRecorded during the Holland Festival, 1999.
  • 《指挥马勒》于我而言是一部非常令人兴奋的电影。因为在那之前我从未想过自己会去做一部关于一个19世纪的作曲家的电影。在欧洲的音乐传统中,马勒是连接古典浪漫主义世界和崭新的现代世界的桥梁。他是我知道的最诚实的艺术家、作曲家,因为他的音乐总是直接诉说他的心声,毫不掩饰地展现他的所思所感。这些品质在如今对于一个艺术家还是非常有用…
  • STRAVINSKY-SCHÖNBERGFilm 1 : The Final Chorale tells the story of Igor Stravinsky’s “Symphonies of Wind for Instruments”, a piece he composed in 1920 in memory of Claude Debussy. Using for the first time a “montage” technique juxtaposing …
  • MAHLER - BERIOFilm 1 : Attrazione d’Amore is a touching illustration of the unique relation that has developed between the Conductor Riccardo Chailly and his famous Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Juxtaposing rehearsals and performances of …
  • ELLIOTT CARTER - A LABYRINTH OF TIMEA documentary film by Frank SchefferPicture format: NTSC 4:3Sound format: Dolby Digital 2.0Region code: 0Languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, JapaneseRunning time: 90 minutesNo. of DVDs: 1Comprehensive 12-page booklet contains authoritative essay, discography, photos a…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 故事梗概: 格瑞斯是一名体态丰满行动迟缓但心地善良的姑娘,她每天的工作就是在殡仪馆为已经去世的人化妆,并在遗体告别仪式上弹奏风琴。常人无法接受的工作和肥胖的身体加上内心的自卑,使得格瑞斯身边很少有朋友陪伴,更不用说是男朋友了。 一次在溜冰场格瑞斯和同事凯瑞一起注意到了一个男人,他完美的滑冰技艺和英俊的面孔简直让格瑞斯无法…
  • 很有意思的荷兰幻想片,有点《电话亭》的黑色风格,内容也挺相近,讲一个电梯无故困人杀人的事,而且杀的都不是普通人。。。可以把它看成是《电话亭》的加长版吧。荷兰国家电影节最佳导演奖。法国阿沃里亚兹幻想电影节金奖。
  • 远古的邪恶,21世纪里再一次被人们好奇的心理唤醒,人们无法控制结局,无法想象恐怖阴影再次笼罩在城市的上空.一所高级中学正面临找噩运,谁能想到的神秘出现会是怎样呢……当神秘的STARNGER出现提供学生三千万元收购身体和鲜血,学生们达成了协议……