搜索 Hege

  • 孝顺又年轻有为的汤玛士,为了父母的典礼,暗地里租了一辆老爸一生梦想拥有的法拉利,在试开时不小心将车子撞得稀巴烂,超出保险给付的范围,因而积欠庞大的修车费。某天,他与一见钟情的摄影师女友莉莎相约出游,却又车祸意外受伤住院,以至於暂时无法工作支付法拉利的修车费.....
  • Still one of the most famous rock festivals of all time, Monterey Pop brought together much of the music that was striking chords with young people all over America- some of the talent that had been obscure or small time in the US (Otis Redding and Jimi Hendrix), while others were huge smash bands (The Who, Simon & Gar…
  • 捷克导演米洛斯·福尔曼长片处女作,影片由两个短片组成,第一部分为一支铜管乐队的排练的情景和一个摩托车越野赛的场景;第二部分为一群女子为了争取演出机会而排演的场景。影片风格统一,通常也被视为一个整体。混杂纪录片风格和虚构情节。初步展示米洛斯·福尔曼的天才。一个通过撒谎偷偷跑去参加歌手选秀的美容院女孩打算面试通过后就去辞职…
  • 公主范塔戈萝(亚历桑德拉·马提尼斯 Alessandra Martines 饰)倔强而美丽,相较于她的两个姐姐,范塔戈萝显得无所畏惧又坚强好胜。她跟随白衣女巫(安吉拉·摩琳娜 Ángela Molina 饰)学习剑术,希望像男人一样战斗,可以有朝一日保卫国家,为人民带来和平。然而她的父王(马里奥·阿多夫 Mario Adorf 饰)却一直希望能由一个王子来继承…
  • 电影喜剧
  • Photographer John Gabriel, in his mid-twenties, coincidentally meets 13 year old Flora, who's run off from home and has nowhere to sleep. They start a love affair due to her need for affection.
  • 1989年,在柏林墙开放之前,Jenny离家出走,准备去东柏林找自己的男友。其父母发现后,决定拿出一百万马克的赏金来奖给将Jenny带回来的人。于是各路人马就这样人为财死的纷纷出动。最后在柏林墙开放的前夜,Jenny,其父母和来自各国的赏金猎人们在东柏林开始了东德最热烈的汽车拉力赛。
  • 电影剧情
    阿曼达·塞弗里德商谈主演Netflix超自然题材惊悚片《所见所闻》,莎里·斯宾厄·伯曼&罗伯特·帕西尼自编自导。   改编自Elizabeth Brundage所著书籍《All Things Cease to Appear》,风格类似《鬼入侵》,故事围绕着一对年轻夫妇展开,他们搬到纽约北部一个小镇附近的农场居住,而这个新家被前主人的谋杀罪所诅咒,随着闹鬼的秘密被揭露…
  • Kyle Cooke is a kind-hearted young boy and a gifted baseball player. When his father, Ted, is laid off and forced to take a low-level job in a new state just to make ends meet, Kyle and his family are uprooted from their comfortable suburban lifestyle. Ted hopes that Kyle's acclimation will be made easier once he gets …
  • A popular high school girl is harassed by a delinquent boy until they are placed in creative writing class together. Through written words, they create a bond, but tragically a bond that cannot withstand her social pressures or his brutal home life. Written by Regina Crosby-------------------------http://www.teenagedir…