- CAT SCRATCH FEVER is a madcap caper following two young women's adventures in alternate realities. Lisa and Ashley, roommates and best friends forever, discover they can observe parallel universes online and quickly become consumed with stalking themselves in other dimensions. It's the ultimate reality television: how …
- Laurel and Hardy work for sickly heir Dan Forrester, who has been diagnosed with a myriad of debilitating allergies. However, when the draft board sees things differently and he seems very happy to leave the confines of his sick room, his loyal employees join him in the U. S. Army. He seems to thrive on Army chow and r…
- The show centres on fictionalised versions of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, who live next door to a Jewish couple, Arny and Rosa Goldenstein. The show's plot is centred on Hitler's inability to get along with his neighbours.
- 1941年,德军占领了炼钢工人阿廖沙的故乡,掠走了他的爱人娜塔莎。曾经受过斯大林接见的阿廖沙参加了红军,走上了战场。经过顽强的连续激战,红军击溃了法西斯驻柏林守军,一举攻下希特勒老巢柏林,取得了反法西斯卫国战争的最后胜利,一对恋人终在柏林团圆......影片以点带面,从一个普通人物遭逢战争的磨练开始讲起。1941年,德军占领了炼钢工…