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  • 电视剧喜剧
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  • 魔法造型
    Secrets From a Stylist takes a tailor-made approach to styling a room as Design Star winner and professional prop stylist, Emily Henderson, customizes a room layer by style layer to ultimately help the homeowners discover their individualized personal taste.
  • Ellie Hamilton has been painstakingly planning her sister's destination wedding for the longest time. As guests arrive on a beach paradise, Ellie runs into her ex-boyfriend, Greg, who also happens to be the best man. When the bride and groom don't show up, Ellie and Greg must lie to the guests and assure everything is …
  • 狼女克罗丁梦想开设一家美容店,为所有怪物和人类悉心打扮,可这个充满善意的计划,竟然被心术不正的蒙妮卡盯上,换作另一个震惊全程的惊喜!虽然擅长隐身的崔拉很快识破诡计,却被蒙妮卡和她的手下先发制人……幸好,以外提升异能的科学怪妹法兰奇,为一众女同学变身出耀眼的新战衣,与可爱的电力小精灵联手驱赶黑暗,将五光十色的喜悦带回城中…
  • 电影动作
    圣犹大广场是一个生活在恐惧和绝望中的社区。当地首领Dash和Antuan的决斗团伙在街道上横行霸道,市民们的生活毫无希望…直到神秘的陌生人Ryan Hong (Cung Le饰)来到小镇。他开始扮演一个帮派对抗另一个使用他无与伦比的武术技能,并呼吁他的杰出导师亚诺(让-克洛德范顿)的教导,以找到力量,以反击。然而,就在洪开始控制这个社区的时候,他遇到…
  • 由美国著名体育杂志《体育画报》,每年2月均会推出泳装画册,其中汇集了世界名模与体育明星。多位有份参与拍摄工作的超级名模盛装出席本次活动。按照《体育画报泳装版》(Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue)的传统,每年年初都将推出开年的泳装特辑
  • 一个宗教狂热女人自称是莎拉·简修女,她走遍全国,教导人们性是邪恶的,致力于消灭世间男女情爱的欢愉,她认为教人这一课的最好方法是在酒吧里接找男人,然后带他们去汽车旅馆,最后把他们剪掉。后来她认识佩妮并收她成为自己的第一个女弟子,二人一起开始为理想世界举起屠刀......
  • 电影
    Joe is an Alien on Earth. At least that is what his father told him before he died when Joe was eleven. He finds it difficult to adjust, and to find a compatible girl friend
  • A bunch of friends get together for a house party in this adult movie. Something goes badly wrong and a girl seems to die while having sex. Then the rest of the party goers start dropping like flies - one by one...