- William Henne was born in Brussels. He is one of the driving forces behind the publishing house La Cinquième Couche since 1998. He is also active as a film maker and co-founder of the animation studios Zorobabel. As a comics artist, he has…
- 比利时新锐动画导演William Henne作品。William Henne was born in Brussels. He is one of the driving forces behind the publishing house La Cinquième Couche since 1998. He is also active as a film maker and co-founder of the animation studios Zoroba…
- William Henne was born in Brussels. He is one of the driving forces behind the publishing house La Cinquième Couche since 1998. He is also active as a film maker and co-founder of the animation studios Zorobabel. As a comics artist, he has…
- 故事主要讲述了六匹顶级赛马,为了参加2006年肯塔基州比赛所接受的一系列训练经历,通过片子观众可以领略到它们令人惊讶的专业素质。当然,其中也包括了那匹非常受人们喜爱的赛马“Barbaro”。
- 狂躁的梦想家鲁比和胆小但聪明的霍莉·坦纳是最好的朋友,她们都是梦想名利的普通乡村女孩。当老板用解雇来奖励鲁比的时尚野心时,她们辞去了小镇上的裁缝工作,前往芝加哥,在那里她们以兔女郎的身份试镜,但现实证明比她们想象的更难、要求更高、魅力更小。兔子妈妈米兰达·曼特尔(Miranda Mantell)根据被解雇的人的过失和被表扬的人的奖励…