- TaniaandDanielaaretwocousinswhohavemaintainedacloseandintimaterelationshipthroughouttheirlives.Bothmarried,thecousinsconfessthattheyliveinastrangesituation,theirhusbandsaregoodandkindtothem,theyenjoyagoodsocialandeconomicposition,buttheyhavefallenintoaroutineandmonotony,appearingapatheticandboredintheirdays.Duringawedd…
- A girl was born and grew up in the deepest jungle of the Amazon, Colonia, that rests on the back of the most powerful Mother Spirit in the Amazon, Turtle Motelo Mama. One day she discovers that her homeland is being threatened and realizes that there are other humans in the world besides her people. As she fights to sa…
- A woman's panicked decision to cover up an accidental killing spins out of control when her conscience demands she return the dead man's body to his family.