搜索 Herr

  • 一个美国青年深受联邦税务局的欺压,愤而以武力对抗。影片的末尾以哈里从一片废墟中伸出有力的拳头而结束。然而在现实生活中绝大多数的枪杀案都是以悲惨的结局给人们留下深深的哀叹和沉思。
  • 此部为英国导演Martin Herring关于中国几位“特殊艺术家”的采访纪录片,其中包含许多令人“震惊”的画面,甚至让很多人不知道那是“艺术”还是“疯狂”?
  • D.Asian. Identity is in the eye of the beholder.
  • The film is about a group of tourists from the GDR on a Black Sea cruise on the one hand and turns to the comic figure of Hurtig, secondly, to the unconventional love story of young Ronny and Sybille. The tour group consists mostly of "Privileged" (doctors, professors, etc. with family). Hurtig (lead role, pl…
  • 一个女人被邪恶的魔法所奴役。她的家人试图营救她,但几个邪恶的巫师把她变成了一个精神控制主导的僵尸。她的尸体也在坟墓里短暂复活,几只僵尸手在开口处从地球上伸出,将某人拉到末日。
  • Haunted by a terrifying incident in his past, billionaire Bill Hansen seeks revenge by enlisting a team of mercenaries and a television personality to capture and exploit a dangerous lizard-like creature.
  • 哈里是一名很有头脑的推销员,却糊里糊涂地代替儿子成为一家孤儿院的院长。面对这么多孤儿,他突然发现了生财之道,决定把孤儿院改成一家专门出租小孩的公司。他以特别优惠的价格把三个小孩租给一对夫妇一个星期。这对夫妇感觉抚养三个小孩虽然辛苦,却总是给他们的生活充满欢乐。他们会放弃原先轻松的生活,领养这三个可爱的孩子吗?Harry H…
  • 中士扎克·凯里正在为他在乔治亚州克莱门斯的军事基地服役。扎克不喜欢军队保持基地的方式,而酒吧不是他所习惯的。所以他离开基地去买啤酒。当他去酒吧的时候,一个当地的妓女想去扎克,但是扎克拒绝了她。那就是那个看起来是她皮条客的副警长殴打她的时候。那是扎克攻击他的时候。后来,他得知警长腐败了,并把发生在他身上的事当作对他的攻击…
  • Shot around the breathtaking coastline of B.C.'s Howe Sound, Whale Music is the triumphant adaptation of Paul Quarringaton's Governor General's Award-winning novel about the redemption of a faded rock star through love and music. Richard J. Lewis' exploration of the reclusive musician's efforts to create a piece of mus…