- Accompanying his father and stepmother to a luxurious resort for a combination of business trip and family holiday, an 11-year-old boy becomes a witness to events that could change his life, in this precise and powerful drama by Colombia’s Duván Duque Vargas.
- 被授予勋章的退伍军人和创伤后应激障碍患者杰森·希尔(杰森·希尔饰)与妻子珍妮弗在退伍军人事务医院共进午餐。詹妮弗被召去与美军参谋长联席会议负责人进行紧急会诊后,医院被全副武装的恐怖分子劫持为人质。杰森成了最后一道防线,必须与恐怖分子和他自己的创伤后应激障碍引发的恶魔战斗,才能拯救他的妻子、将军、医院的工作人员和病人。
- For 40 years, police and prosecutors have weaponized Louisiana's Crime Against Nature by Solicitation (CANS) law to terrorize queer/trans Louisianians. CANS Can't Stand follows a group of Black trans women in New Orleans who are fighting to repeal that law—and advance trans liberation across the state.
- 克里斯·帕拉特将回归电视,出演新剧《终极名单》(The Terminal List,暂译)。剧集由安东尼·福奎阿执导,根据Jack Carr畅销小说改编,David DiGilio(《旅行者》)撰写剧本。这部惊悚剧讲述了海豹突击队全队在一次高风险的秘密任务中遭到伏击的故事。里斯(帕拉特饰)带着对那件任务的矛盾记忆,以及对自己过失的疑问回到了家。然而,随着新的证据…