- 拉慣頭馬、坐慣開篷汽車的百萬富翁艾拔‧杜倫為親近俄國郡主,不惜扮鬼扮馬扮侍應來貼身侍候,幾經周折和笑料百出之後終奪得美人歸。電影改編自法國舞台喜劇,主場景為巴黎某大酒店的豪華貴賓套房,亞多富文殊演活一見鍾情的紳士,他含情脈脈的眼神,卻配上富喜感的眉額,只要一牽眉眼便搏得觀眾會心微笑。
- Psychobitches is a show that sees some of history's most famous women psychoanalyzed and talking about their thoughts, fears and flaws.
- Akira Saito, a Japanese businessman lives in Tokyo with his Japanese-American wife Aiko and their children, Takeshi and Tomoya. When the family has a chance to move to the United States so that Aiko can teach the children about their American heritage, they pack up and head for Houston, Texas and run a restaurant. This…