- 岡田健史が演じるエリート異端児・富樫刑事にスポットを当てたアナザーストーリーが登場!岡田演じる刑事・富樫遊馬、そして彼が所属することになった捜査一課水樹班(広末涼子、長谷川朝晴、駒木根隆介ら)の知られざる物語をエピソード0含め展開!玉木宏はじめ地上波本編のレギュラーメンバーも続々出演!
- CHAIN MAIL Sayaka's friends get their kicks sending out hoax emails in the name of one of their classmates who committed suicide. Though Sakaya feels quilty about not standing up to the hoax, things start to go terribly awry when her classmates begin dying, one by one, under mysterious circumstances. It won't be long b…
- Maki (Etsuko Shihomi) is the leader of a female gang who fight for justice,but she ends up being framed and sent to a sadistic woman prison. Will Makibe able to escape and take revenge?
- Science fiction has long anticipated the rise of machine intelligence. Today, a new generation of self-learning computers is reshaping every aspect of our lives. Incomprehensible amounts of data are being collected, interpreted, and fed back to us in a tsunami of apps, smart devices, and targeted advertisements. Virtua…