搜索 Hoang

  • 这部屡获殊荣的电视剧在第九季迎来了节日的欢乐。这部圣诞特辑将团队带到了外赫布里底群岛,在这遥远而风光旖旎的苏格兰岛屿,居民们迫切需要Nonnatus修道院的助产士与医务人员的帮助。在恶劣的严寒环境中,他们只能依靠有限的水、电来帮助病人,并期待着能及时赶回Poplar过圣诞节。
  • 一群朋友打赌,谁能在岛上露营过夜。他们不知不觉中,一种奇怪的生物潜伏在夜晚,吓唬他们的一举一动,声音是他们最大的敌人。
  • Huyen is a teenage girl who gets pregnant from a young loafer and finds herself forced to fall into prostitution in order to save money for an abortion. Ironically, the only customer who is willing to pay is a man who is obsessed by pregnant women. The situation becomes even more complicated because this man makes Huye…
  • 饿鬼
    When a powerful amulet is broken on the eve of the Hungry Ghost Festival in Melbourne, a vengeful spirit is unleashed, bringing the dead with him. As they wreak havoc across the Vietnamese Australian community, reclaiming lost loves and repaying old grudges, a young woman who's never taken responsibility for who she co…
  • 你是我的男孩
  • 禁果
  • With series ten due to launch on Sunday 18 April at 8pm and series 11 about to commence filming, Call The Midwife will now be on air until 2024. Series 12 and 13, commissioned by Piers Wenger, Director of BBC Drama and Charlotte Moore, Chief Content Officer, will consist of two 8x60’ series and two Christmas specials.
  • 男妻家婆
  • 懷有身孕的安和男友武在騎車返家的路上慘撞救護車。武目睹陷入昏迷的安遭醫生玷汙,而被割舌噤聲;食人成性的醫生,其秘密實驗室宛如人間煉獄。一場大火,醫生的獨子僥倖生還,武的復仇計畫才正要展開。越南新生代導演首部劇情長片,血肉糢糊、毫無保留呈現惡的質地,試探觀眾道德底線,挑戰視覺極限!嗜血愛腥者切勿過度自信,慎入!(台北電影…