It is a personality-TV-show for German actress Brigitte Mira. In different TV-studio-settings Brigitte Mira sings some popular songs starting with Leonard Cohens BIRD ON A WIRE in German language WIE EIN VOGEL AUF DEM DRAHT - the title of this show.
1944年,一队德国士兵在俄国前线受尽惊恐与恶劣环境的折磨。大兵厄斯特·盖博经过漫长等待,终于盼到了假期。回到德国,他发现自己的家园被炸毁,他孤独地找寻着自己的双亲,途中邂逅了迷人的伊丽莎白·克鲁斯,一个政治犯的女儿。他们两人在充满仇恨的世俗中求生,努力使灵魂重新归正!In 1944, a company of German soldiers o…
IMDB简介:The clownish security chief of a West German business is obsessed with protecting his factory from fancied and real breaches, especially from groups such as The Red Army Faction. Ferdinand's paranoia and methods can't be contained …