- A fighter with a heart of gold finds himself drawn into an Internet-streaming underground martial arts tournament.
- Rory is a professional photographer taking the best pictures of his life, but he's not where he thought he'd be by now. At 42, Rory is part of Generation X - the invisible generation that has been overshadowed by Baby Boomers and Gen Yers. But every generation has their time, and Gen X time is now. A journey of love, p…
- 2008年5月12日,四川省汶川地区发生了建国以来最严重的地震,中国最大的房地产开发商万科援建的遵道镇属于重灾区,95%的房屋倒塌,死伤者难以计数。震后第三天,万科董事长王石的一篇博客掀起轩然大波,“普通员工的捐款以10元为限”的言论招致全国性的嘲讽与谩骂,万科捐款数额饱受质疑,王石与万科深陷企业史上最大的舆论危机。与此同时,幸存…