- 2000年血腥除夕夜,贤知(唐泽寿明饰)一派拼尽全力阻挠“朋友”的人类灭绝计划,但他们的反抗以失败告终。是夜过后,贤知一派被诬为屠杀人类的恐怖分子,而“朋友”则堂而皇之成为了救世主,为万众膜拜和敬仰。2015年,贤知的甥女远藤神乃(平爱梨饰)已成长为特立独行的青春女孩,她十分反感教科书对舅舅的污蔑,经常和老师发生争论。最终,校…
- One of the most contested issues in climate action is nuclear energy. The UK and EU nations including Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Spain and Sweden use or are constructing reactors, with the EU already relying on nuclear for 25 per cent of its generated electricity alone. Supporters argu…