- Here at Peccadillo we really believe in supporting independent cinema in all forms and one of the many ways we do this is through our short film collections like Girls on Film 2. This year we set ourselves the challenge of re-launching this the sister of the incredibly successful Boys of Film series and given that the …
- In Public House, an award-winning artist and academic Sarah Turner explores the centrality of pubs and social spaces to communal narrative and memory. In 2012, the Ivy House pub in Peckham was sold to property developers as part of the ongoing gentrification of south London. However, local residents opposed it, registe…
- Marco Vasquez and his family have seen tragedy and despair throughout their lives at the hands of an evil entity. Now that Marco is about to start a family of his own, he is forced to return to his childhood home where it all began to put a stop to it once and for all.
- 《威尼斯商人》是否像一部现代作品?当你在台上看到一群身着当代服装的演员,仿佛过去400年间人性没有任何改变。来自巴以地区的阿拉伯演员马克拉姆·贾米尔·库利以其坚实的演技和身份的复杂性,极具说服力地演绎了夏洛克日常忍受的偏见与不公,促使人们再度审视当下依旧残留的种族、宗教和少数群体问题;奥利弗奖最佳女主角得主帕琪·费伦饰演…
- 2017年4月,惘闻作为唯一受邀的海外乐队,参加日本After Hours音乐节。吉术斋导演张晶蕾和拍摄团队也赶赴日本,全程记录下了惘闻在日本公演前后72小时的所见所感,并制作成了这部《After 72 Hours》惘闻乐队日本之行纪录片。After Hours是由著 名日本乐队MONO、Envy、downy联合举办的极具个性和鲜明气质的高品质音乐节。它的主旨是“重拾与日本…